The first thing to know is that everyone who has an activated account (whether they have purchased or won a Starter Pack) participates.
The ranking assigns an amount of points to each user for the positions.
Final calculation of Total Ranking Points:
total points = powerRanking + neonpoints + totalnfts + totalunique
Points are calculated based on:
Neonpoints: Number of in-game NEON tokens (ingameNeon * 0.02)
TotalNFts: NFTs of the user (totalnfts += totalnfts * 15)
Totalunique: unique NFTs of the user (totalunique += uniquenfts * 30)
Total PowerRanking:
This is the power of all NFTs + a number of points for their rarity.
powerRanking = nft Power + raritypoints
rarity points per rarity:
Common Rare Epic Legendary Omega 10 - 30 - 60 - 120 - 240
Last updated