NFT Stats
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Name: Character name
Rarity: From the rarity that you get, you will have a certain number of POWER (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Omega)
Faction: For the moment it is part of the lore.
Level: You will start with level 1 by default. Leveling up will allow you to unlock certain quests and get better upgrades.
For each level you level up, your character increases +2 power.
Experience: Gained by completing a mission. To increase +1 level you need: 500 + (level * 50)
Damage: For each mission you will receive 25% damage. You will have a damage accumulation bar up to 100%. Once you reach 100% damage received, your character is disabled, until you repair it.
Power: Power is a fundamental statistic. By increasing your power you can get more tokens at the end of a mission.